Ben Nye MagiCake Lime Green (LA-108)
Ben Nye Magicakes are unlike any cake make up on the market. Magicakes are available in over 20 brilliant shades and can be combined with Ben Nye Lumieres for a shimmery finishing touch. The beauty of the Magicakes is that they can be used wet or dry (similar to a Starblend). When Magicakes are used with water they dry to a smudge free finish or they can be used with LiquiSet instead of water for an almost sweat proof, waterproof finish. Liquiset is a sealer made by BenNye and is used in the place of water to activate Magicakes. The .9oz Magicakes will paint approximately 100-200 full faces with full and opaque coverage. Magicakes dry to a matte finish and are less of a creamy consistency.
To Use: Apply with a brush or a makeup wedge.
To Remove: Use soap and water or baby wipes.