AWC Magazine – Issue 92
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 92 Download
Most window cleaning practitioners tend to work solo. Diamond Bar’s Mark Landsbaum is here to talk about the risks and challenges for single window cleaners in this issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine. Landsbaum covers the keys to success, bidding, equipment, different types of homes, affiliations, and the future.
Pittsburgh Power Wash Co., Inc.’s, Eric Hannisick advises how to get started in power washing. Hannisick lists the tools you’ll need, what the safety precautions are, and gives more information about his power washing company. George “The Lad from Lancashire” Formby was a man from the 1930s who sang about window cleaners. Lawyer and writer Arin Greenwood tells of Formby’s story.
Wizard Window Washing’s Mark Dosch shares his love for “books-on-tape” otherwise known as audiobooks. Dosch listens to audiobooks while window cleaning and recalls the feeling of being able to mentally escape while working. The International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) Safety Director Stefan Bright provides the latest goings-on.
- IWCA keynote speaker offers business growth advice
- Read all about the 6th annual Window Cleaning Network Picnic
- Why microfiber strip washers are important tools for window cleaners
- Is window cleaning coming to an end