AWC Magazine – Issue 72
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 72 Download
This issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine starts with an insider look at the recent International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) convention from AWC publisher Rich Fabry. Fabry details his time at the Nashville gathering and recalls it was the best IWCA convention yet. Seminars, contests, and keynote speeches filled the schedule.
Looking back 10 years, IWCA Safety Chair Stefan Bright recalls where he started and where he is now. Paul’s Window Washing’s Paul Dutton emphasizes the importance of having a written contract for your clientele. Dutton instructs the steps a window cleaner should take beginning at the estimation phase all the way to the end of the job.
AWC covers highlights from the online-only publication Window Cleaners Digest again. Except for this time where the Window Cleaners Digest fields questions and concerns about window cleaning from its readers. Bird Barrier America’s Cameron Riddel and Monique Thorsell advise window cleaners to pick up bird control as an add-on job.
- Meet the 1999 Window Cleaner of the Year
- The Unger Scholarship winner is announced
- Over 30 women gathered for Ladies Tea, a women-only window cleaning gathering
- How to handle window cleaning depression