AWC Magazine – Issue 59
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 59 Download
Henry M. “Mr. Window Cleaner” Unger passed away due to complications from ALS and this issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine reminisces about the impact his life had on window cleaners everywhere. Publisher Rich Fabry, daughter Jan Unger, wife Barbara Unger, and more share their thoughts and anecdotes about him.
White River Window Cleaning Company’s Chuck Decker shares time-saving techniques for window cleaners and how to not let your work control you. Window cleaners are oftentimes exposed to harsh outdoor weather. Sunshine Window Cleaning’s Henry Grover Jr. tells how to protect your skin in both hot and cold temperatures.
Learn all about unique competitive advantage with Brian Keith & Company’s Brian Keith. He shares the four steps to acquiring more customers without having to waste money on other marketing techniques. Before you acquire clients you’ll need a proper foothold over your business first. Total Home Care’s Don and Holly Chute explain how to properly plan, prepare, and expand your business.
- Dickinson Janitorial Service’s JoAnn Dickinson shares the importance of customer service
- International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) announces its newest members
- See how a window cleaner views Las Vegas and a brief history of the city
- Alaco Ladder celebrates 50 years of business