AWC Magazine – Issue 41
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 41 Download
Women are at the forefront of this issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine. The Happy Window Cleaners’ Michele Butterworth talks about how to become a successful window cleaner as a woman. Butterworth notes every woman should have a ton of energy, know creative marketing techniques, and understand modern technology among other helpful tips.
Crystal Window Cleaning’s John Baxter recalls the struggle women go through when entering the window cleaning industry. However, there are easier ways of getting into the window cleaning business for women. Skyline Services’ Tammy Doucet speaks about why working with your husband is a great decision when trying to enter the field of window cleaning.
A-Plus Cleaning Services’ Steve Cowell writes a satirical article about the many different personality types of customers. Some include the nervous nellie, pompous jerk, suck-up, and more! If you want a laugh be sure to read the rest of the article. Download your FREE digital issue today on WCR.
- Easier ways for women to enter the window cleaning workforce
- How to be a successful window cleaner as a woman
- Have a laugh and learn the different satirical personality types of customers
- Why computer software is beneficial to window cleaners