AWC Magazine – Issue 4
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 4 Download
In this 1987 issue of the American Window Cleaner, there are several topics discussed and a ton of information shared that you don’t want to miss! The front page begins with how to cope with Bursitis, the inflammation of one’s knee, elbow, or shoulder. Unfortunately, this is a common issue among window cleaning professionals but the tips in this newsletter are a life-changer.
John Baxter, Window Cleaner of the Month for March to April is given the spotlight as he shares his passion for the business and his community. In addition, advertising expert Judy Suval lends some tips on how to gain exposure including newspaper advertising, word-of-mouth, and many more pieces of advice!
Don’t miss out on self-rescue techniques in the event of an emergency during chair work. You’ll also want to read on to learn more seasonal tips for pressure washing, especially on slippery rooves. Slippery rooves and chair work aside, a few laughs can still be had with some relatable comics by cartoonist and window cleaner Tom Sullivan.
- Advertising expert Judy Suval gives some tips on how to get yourself known in the industry
- Learn how to step-by-step self-rescue if ever in a predicament while high-rise cleaning
- Recieve some seasonal tips for power washing
- Enjoy some cartoons by Tom Sullivan that are sure to make you chuckle