AWC Magazine – Issue 234
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 234 Download
Jim DuBois asks: Are you frustrated? Well, window cleaners, he’s got the advice on breaking through the confidence gap, even when you’re feeling at your lowest. Even though your employees might be frustrating you, you feel like you’re spending money with few results, or struggling to make payroll, there are always methods to get yourself out of a rut. No matter how “broken” you think your business might be, there are ways to fix it. Stay positive and have faith in yourself.
Have you ever considered adding more services to your arsenal? Get ready for a busy winter by adding Christmas Light Installation to your business! Jeremiah Green figures, you’ve already got experience using ladders, have a working customer base, and have a vehicle that can hold large equipment – why not train yourself to install lights? Plenty of folks don’t have the stamina or know-how to decorate their homes for the winter season. Be their hero and add this service to your list!
Terry Gilbert discusses window cleaning in warm and cold seasons and the challenges of both. Although cleaning windows in warm weather may be every window cleaner’s dream, the extreme heat can ruin your day if you’re not prepared with proper clothing, a slipping agent for your solution, and having enough water to drink. The cold, which is always lurking around the corner, may seem daunting, but, layering up with long-johns, placing a pair of disposable surgical gloves over soft, warm ones, and wearing protective gear with your logo on it can make a great difference!
- Break Through the Confidence Gap
- Year-Round Income, no matter how slow the season may seem
- Cleaning in Warm and Cold Seasons: How to prepare