AWC Magazine – Issue 231
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 231 Download
Visiting author TJ Gilbert talks about staying above the competition in the densely-populated world of window cleaning. Providing the best services, the highest quality work you are capable of, being prompt, and most importantly, being a person of your word. Follow through and focus on your own goals while being polite and courteous. This will all help you attract and hang on to customers.
What should you avoid doing to keep your cool, control your thoughts, and not freak out? Well, window cleaners, Gabe Gutierrez recommends not basing your self-worth on how well your business is doing, leveling out your expectations, not comparing yourself to other companies, and not psyching yourself out before you even get a chance to roll the dice.
Anthony Padlo wants to know: Do you like money? We do! In his article “How to Ditch Your Customers,” he talks about getting rid of clients who cost you more money than make you money, and how to improve on yourself as a window cleaner and business person to make your services worth their money.
- Getting a handle on your customers
- How to stay above the competition by providing your best efforts
- Around the Globe: Visiting McRae’s Window Cleaning in Brisbane, Australia!