AWC Magazine – Issue 214
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 214 Download
Brain Sauls talks about the importance of taking care of yourself. As a business owner, it can be easy to lose track of your diet, physical health, and mental well-being. He tackles this and gets back on top in under an hour and a half per day by journalling, meditating, working out, and eating healthy meals. Does this happen daily? Not necessarily. But, he can tell when it’s happening for him and when it’s not by how he feels on the job. “I know it feels silly at first, but being able to control your thoughts is a skill that can be learned and used to your advantage in business. [Meditation] only takes me 10 minutes a day.”
Jersey wants to know, what are you worth? In this article, Jersey covers being in the service industry and selling knowledge vs. selling a product. Being a window cleaner means you’re selling your time and know-how rather than an item itself, which in many ways, is much more valuable of a product.
Nestle into Gabe’s Corner where he discusses the fear of losing customers or potential work while trying to keep to your promise of not overworking yourself. “With experience should come wisdom. You have to recognize that you are human and you will not be able to keep up with this pace indefinitely. Modesty is not a weakness. Rather, it is a tool to help you stay healthy and enjoy the work of running a business for a long time.”
- Take Care of Yourself First: meditation, exercise, and a healthy diet can help mitigate the stress of being a business owner.
- Window Cleaning History with Noa Pedersen: Is window cleaning a part of who you are?
- Weaponizing your data to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
- Rigs & Digs: Branding everything