AWC Magazine – Issue 185
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 185 Download
Waterfed pole safety precautions only required one small sticker on the product to be explained. Nowadays, an entire sheet of paper won’t cover everything you need to know. Safety expert Gary Mauer gives a brief overview of risk assessment, electrocution, working alone, and what happens if you drop your pole.
Moerman, a Belgium-based company, has been churning out new and innovative window cleaning products year after year. Chief correspondent Bob Lawrence is here to dive into the profile of Moerman. He outlines Moerman’s humble beginnings and highlights the company’s main achievements throughout the years.
Business coach and trainer Jennifer VanAlstine is here to give the six steps to happy hiring. The first two steps are to define the end product and be sure to identify employee issues. VanAlstine says that by using these six steps your search is going to become more efficient and lead you to better quality candidates.
- The Window Cleaning Network adds new safety training courses
- Learn the best way to save swing-stage window cleaners
- I-14 Committee lost its accreditation
- The pros and cons to using a 70+’ waterfed pole