AWC Magazine – Issue 39
About the AWC Magazine – Issue 39 Download
Publisher Rich Fabry opens this issue of the American Window Cleaner with coverage of the International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) convention of 1993 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Fabry said this was his most favorite convention yet thanks to the people who attended and the topics discussed. Intense, exciting, and multi-dimensional were the terms Fabry used to describe his time there.
Crown Window Cleaning’s Ken Blair also attended the convention and offers a few tips he learned while there. Some include good advertising techniques, how to bid, safety tips, and much more. Blair’s section is followed by a handful of articles describing the contests and events which took place at the convention.
Sunshine Window Cleaning’s Henry Grover Jr. expands upon the previous issue where he talked about how polishing compounds can get rid of the peskiest of water spots. Grover takes it a step further and offers stain removal as a business. Cascade Window Cleaning’s Bob Williams relays an engineer’s analysis of manned and unmanned systems in the window cleaning industry.
- Read the coverage of IWCA’s 1993 convention in West Palm Beach, Florida
- Why you should add cleaning blinds to your resume
- Window cleaner from Belgium shares his thoughts on the IWCA convention
- How robotic systems can change the window cleaning industry